[android-porting] Creating an application to send custom commands to the Bluetooth chip on an AOSP build
Tijo Thomas John
7 years ago

I am trying to create an application (c/cpp) that would allow me to send
custom commands to the CSR8510 Bluetooth chip on my development board. I
was able to find out from the bluedroid source that the function being used
to perform such actions is *btu_hcif_send_cmd *and that this function is
available in the bluetooth.default.so library. I tried linking the
bluetooth.default.so library to my application which was using *btu_hcif_send_cmd
*and* osi_malloc *functions. The code snippet I used is below.

* uint8_t controllerID = LOCAL_BR_EDR_CONTROLLER_ID; size_t cmdSize =
HCI_CMD_BUF_SIZE; cmdPacket = (BT_HDR*)osi_malloc(cmdSize);
cmdPacket->event = 0; cmdPacket->offset = 0;
cmdPacket->layer_specific = 0; cmdPacket->len = HCIC_PREAMBLE_SIZE; /*!
RESET Command doesn't have any parameters */ cmdStream =
cmdPacket->data; UINT16_TO_STREAM(cmdStream, HCI_RESET);
UINT8_TO_STREAM(cmdStream, 0); /*! RESET Command doesn't have any
parameters */ btu_hcif_send_cmd(controllerID, cmdPacket);*

However, I keep getting the following undefined reference errors when
trying to compile the application within the AOSP build.

error: undefined reference to 'osi_malloc(unsigned int)'
error: undefined reference to 'btu_hcif_send_cmd(unsigned char, BT_HDR*)'

Could someone please tell me if I am doing this right and if not, how to do
what I want to achieve properly?

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